Friday, 20 November 2009


We arrived in Salta at around 8.00 Thursday morning. Upon leaving the air conditioned bus terminal, one thing was certain: Salta is very very hot.

Salta´s main attraction is the natural beauty of the surrounding area - desert, cacti, salt flats, multi coloured mountains and the like. We´d already been within 200 miles of the area 2 months or so ago, in Bolivia and Chile, and had seen all these kinds of things before, so we decided to be a bit different.

Taking the teleferico up the mountain overlooking the city, we found it to be packed with school kids on a trip. They took it upon themselves to be very friendly and ask us to translate things from Spanish into English. Yes, that´s right, I can successfully communicate on (almost) the same level with a Spanish speaking child.

More psychic exploration of the city with needles. And chorizo and mash for dinner. And an improvised arctic roll.

For today? Horse riding around the area with some gauchos, as well as a massive asado and some mate at their estancia (ranch), AND an epic England vs Argentina game of table football (lucky the little plastic players don´t have hands, right?).

And tomorrow?

Tomorrow we go to Paraguay.

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